Who we are

Task Labour Australia (TASK) is Australia’s most experienced, privately owned workforce provider in the meat and food processing industry.

Backed by decades of experience and a history of developing innovative workforce models that respond to real time industry needs.
The founders of Task have broad and extensive experience in the Australian meat and food processing industry that ranges from management within various channels of beef production, all protein processing, plant management, labour hire, meat eating quality systems and grading systems. This level of understanding of industry allows us to deliver a dedicated service with a passion that is clear in our programs.
TASK are workforce specialists partnering the food processing industry and, we have developed a cohesive team of subject matter experts delivering site-specific, cost-effective workforce models that respond to the real time needs of each business.
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What makes us different

We have spent the last 17 years innovating, pioneering, and developing the red meat industry’s most successful workforce models:
International Pipelines
Develop specialised international pipelines that provide unique human capital that has proven imperative to an efficient production line in the meat processing industry.
Production First
Place production first and we have a proven track record of assisting clients in increasing production to meet important KPI’s.
Service Excellence
Focus on service excellence in producing the latest in metrics that reflect both our client and TASK’s efficiencies across every department, providing valuable critical numbers weekly that ensure constant continual improvement.
Integrity is Everything
Set the benchmark of integrity and transparency in our models that provide peace of mind and offer a genuine partnership environment.
Over Deliver
Continue to innovate and integrate our workforce models around market pressures and influences to ensure we deliver, and that production never suffers.
Learn Hard & Hustle
Continue to learn and work fast with industry, peak councils, immigration and our foreign offices to ensure we produce the precise workforce that is effective, manageable and sustainable.
Join our TASK team

Contact our friendly team today about your Australian working journey.